Share capital:
It is a long term investment that gives a member a permanent ownership of the society.Dividends are paid towards the account yearly(its transferable).Minimum contribution Ksh25,000:
It is a long term non-withdrawable savings.Enables a member to earn interest yearly.can be used to provide loan *three times the deposit.its refundable(can also be used as security for a loan):
Burial Benevolent Fund:
Is a risk management fund. The society members are the fund members. They contribute KShs. 300.00 per month. The Fund covers Premiums for Loan guard Insurance Policy with the CIC. BBF Benefits are below:


CIC pays to beneficiaries KSh.180,000.00 to cover the
funeral expenses for Fund members who pass on. It clears outstanding loans of the member who has passed.
BBF boosts Deposit by half to the refund of deceased members contribution.
Deposits Refunded in full to the next of kin of the deceased